Tuesday, December 28, 2010

hodge podge of things...

So the Jeep got fixed today.  It was a very good feeling to get in and have a back window again.  It is surprising how warm it is in there now.  The guy who fixed it was absolutely wonderful  We ended up having to go to where some construction was being done on post so that he could "borrow" someone's power.  It was a delightful adventure and he was great company. 
The kids had another great day at SAS today, tomorrow brings snow tubing which I have to admit that I am pretty jealous.  They are going to have a blast and it is nice to know that my monthly fees are going to good use. 
Work is good.  I am very happy there and work for and with some great guys.  The long hours I have been putting in this week have been completely painless.  Two more days and then I am off for the weekend.  Gonna spend New Year's Eve alone, but that's ok.  I will warn you now that there will probably be some sappy post that I will probably write after a few glasses of wine. 
The kids are still not very excited for their dad to come.  I have begun forcing jubilation upon them.  Today we "cleaned for daddy!"  OK, so maybe it was just glorified child labor, but it got them moving.  The house is tidy and the sheets are changed for him.  Tomorrow will be laundry and packing for me.  I let them know that we were going to be getting in the spirit of him getting here by making signs and posters.  Someone said to me that maybe it is because we now have our own little life here on our own that might have something to do with them forgetting about him.  Whatever it is, it's very sad.  I try my best to keep him on their little minds, but if I don't bring him up they really don't talk about him.
I am a little nervous about Robert meeting Mr. Big....  I am worried that Mr. Big is going to see the timid little girl that I become when I am around the kid's dad.  It's crazy because I am such a confident woman now, but when I think about seeing Robert I become scared and meek.  Even after all this time I still worry about saying or doing the right thing so that he does not get mad.
5 more days and Mr. Big comes back!  I am really looking forward to spending some one on one time with him without the kids.  He is so good about putting up with my kids, but I know that some time with just me would be appreciated. 
Well off to bed.  I am going to cozy in with some hot cheetos and a good book....  :)

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