Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i hate PMS

Why does PMS have to be so horrible?  I find myself on the emotional roller coaster racing at high speed headed straight for the portion of tracks that are not complete.  This past weekend I was up, then I was down, I think i even went sideways, backward and for a loop-d-loop!  My poor man...

Yes, I understand that it can at times be hard to live with a woman, especially at that special time of the month.  Let me just recap so you can get a clear picture of what it's like for me and how in the end it all works out.

Friday:  We drove out to La Crosse to take Abigail to gymnastics and hit the grocery store.  I have to admit I was already stressed out.  I had to rush out of work, grab the kids, drive home because Abigail didn't have a leotard (this is where I picked up Mr. Big), run over to the pampered chef lady's house to pick up my new can opener (which by the way is not the same as the one I bought originally but gave to my mom) and then zoom off to gymnastics.  *whew*  I am getting dizzy just thinking about it.  So we drop her off and head off to the store only to run into massive traffic.  We get to the store and I think they must have been going out of business because everyone in all of Wisconsin was there.  So then I was late getting back to pick up Abigail.  Oh but wait!  I forgot that I needed gas and now Mr. Big is driving and for some reason beyond me, he wants to go a different way and now I can't take it anymore.  I am snippy and sarcastic.  We get gas and as we are driving to the gym I make a few more comments and now when we get there I am the one driving.  Open mouth, insert foot.  The whole time though he kept his cool very well.  On the way back we stop and pick up the pizza that I had preordered from the car and I finally start to untwist my panties.  Ugh, I hate being like this, but I swear that when it is that time, I can't help it!  It takes a small miracle to get me out of my fit, but on that note, he is really good at being patient with me.  Later that night I asked him if he was ok with how I acted and he said it was nothing that he couldn't handle.  I said great, because that was probably as bad as I get and if you can handle that, then you can handle anything.  <3

Saturday:  Nothing really crazy happened but I was still more than a little off....  I will call this the up day of the ride.

Sunday:  Now we head for the downslide and boy is it one!  Long story short, (seriously, this is really condensed)...  I had too much liquid courage and ended up crying and telling him that I am afraid that I am going to lose him.  Residual effects from my crappy marriage...   You know what he says?  He says that there is no way he is going anywhere.  Really?  After how I acted this weekend?  The moring after I was so emabarrassed, but I knew I needed to talk to him about it with clear eyes.  He tells me that he thought that whole episode was sweet and cute because it shows I really care.  ????  I think he is a little nuts himself.  I can see his point though, if I care enough to be worried to tears, I guess that might be considered sweet.  Whatever though, I am not going to argue with him.  <3

The point though is that PMS sucks.  It makes me act crazy and brings out the retarded side of me.   We have successfully survived a full blown attack and our relationship is still standing.  In fact, I would say it is actually even better than it was before. 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a nut!!! But we love you anyways!!! Miss you guys!!!
