Monday, December 27, 2010

school vacation

The kids are doing well this week being out of school.  They are getting to go to School Age Services on post and actually are having more fun there than they would be if I had decided to take vacation.  Today they went to the movies and tomorrow they are going roller-skating.  They are having so much fun that while I am glad for them, I do not appreciate the cranky kids that arrive home at night.  Tonight Nathaniel went to bed around 6.  He was just so exhausted that when I called them all for dinner he freaked out that he had to stop playing Wii.  He came screaming into the kitchen and proclaimed that he did not want to stop playing.  I was on the phone with my mom and excused myself to pull an "Old Mother Hubbard" on his butt.  Us girls did not have a peaceful dinner with his screams in the background.  I just kept thinking about supernanny and how she says that you have to just let them throw their fit because if you respond then it is like giving them affirmation that they can get to you.  Eventually after about 30 minutes of temper induced craziness, he finally fell asleep.  Whew... 
On the flip side the girls were great.  We decided that there should be no more Wii for a while because they are fighting too much.  They ate all their dinner and even had seconds with much praise for the cook.  After they did crafts courtesy of Aunt Laurie and Grandma, which came out quite cute.  They are really working hard at those beads...  Abigail then made a litle note for her dad, "Dear Dad, I really miss you.  Please come soon.  Love, Abigail"  Very sad and very sweet all at the same time.  She also made a poster using packing paper that I saved from the move (Aunt Debbie's idea) to welcome her dad to the artic, I mean Wisconsin.  I haven't looked at it, but I think I will have each kid make one.  He will like that.  I know it is going to be hard staying in my HOME.  I capitalize those words because that is what this is.  A home of my own.  Anyway, I want him to be comfortable so that everyone has the best time possible.
After the break-in at the gym I have disenrolled Abigail and pulled her from the team.  We are all a little sad about this.  It is the end of an era, but we will find something else for her to do.  I asked her about ballet and she said that it sounded like fun and that she would like to try it.  The best part is there is a school that is half a block away from here so she could walk when it gets warmer.  I researched the school and it seems to be pretty decent.  I always wanted her to take some dance anyway so she could work on her poise on the gym floor.  Maybe later she can pick up the gym thing again, but either way whatever she wants is fine.

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