Friday, December 24, 2010

the Jeep gets violated...

I went to pick up Abigail at gymnastics and while I was inside picking her up, some moron broke into Jeep and stole my purse.  Nothing of real importance was in it, but my mom bought it for me and it is my favorite one so I was a little sad.  Combined with the shattered back window, I was more than a little upset.  I did decide that in the grand scheme of things this is all small potatoes and everything can be replaced.  The staff at the Y was so nice.  They cleaned out the glass and then used cardboard and a trashbag to get me home.  They did a wonderful job and I am extremely grateful for their hospitality.  Unfortunately because of the holidays I will not be able to get it fixed until Monday which puts a damper on Christmas with my family in Minneapolis.  Looks like we will be spending the weekend here in Sparta instead.  Fortunately while I was driving home after my mishap my purse was recovered.  I suppose that whoever stole it figured out quickly that there was nothing of value in it and ditched it.  The police officer was super nice and again I am very grateful.  It is peole like him and the staff at the gym that is the reason that I moved up here.  The whole thing could have ended up so much worse, but as of now all I have to worry about it dropping the Jeep off at the shop Monday and taking care of my deductible.  The way I see it, 2011 can only go up from here!  :)

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