Thursday, December 9, 2010

I finally drew that *&@# line!!!

Tonight was a good night.  It was also a night of doors closing for good.  The kids dad called twice tonight to talk about visitation at Christmas.  I don't even want to get into it, but let's just say he persuaded the kids to come at spring break to SD with the small mention of Disneyland, made Victoria cry and finally admitted that he had plans for New Years Eve and didn't want to change them.  I wonder if he is proposing???  Who cares! 
After tonight listening to his excuses and dealing with his BS is over.  Somebody stick a fork in me, I'm done!  I am not going to concern myself with him any longer.  No way, No how...

I have the most amazing life and have been blessed 10 times over.  There is absolutely no reason that I should let him affect me.  I have the most amazing man i could ever have asked for and why on God's green earth would I mess that up with the drama that was??? 

I am going to focus on what I have and what is here.  No longer will you find me yelling at the kids dad or venting frustration because he is letting the kids down again.  They are getting older and will soon figure out what kind of man their father is.  I am tired of getting upset and guilting him into doing right by his kids.  Not this chica, not gonna do it.  I have drawn the line in the sand and am not going to cross it. 

I am home.  I am where I belong and finally I am getting to a place emotionally that I am completely secure.  The jerkface is not going to ruin that for me, I won't let him.  As far as the kids go, I am going to step out of that one.  If he wants to come, he can.  If he does not, then so be it.  It's is not my responsibility to make sure he is a good father.  DONE, I TELL YOU, D-O-N-E-DONE!!!

OK, so now that I got that out I feel even better about my decision then I did before. 

Life only gets better from here, baby girl.  :)

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