Monday, January 10, 2011

back in the swing of things

So the kids dad left on Sunday.  It was a bittersweet morning for me.  I was so excited and super glad to have the kids back, but at the same time sad to leave the comfy house I was in. 

The short time I had with a man worthy of mentioning in my blog was wonderful.  I was able to relax and unwind while cuddling on the couch and getting closer to him.  We were able to go out on a real date which is completely foreign to me at this point.  I have to say that all in all it was quite an amazing week.

When I picked up the kids they were very excited to see me!  It makes me feel good that they know I am doing my best with them and not having me around for even a short time reminds them of that.  Nobody wanted to get out to give him a hug (they all said it was too cold) and nobody cried.  Not even Victoria.  Our first day back at our house together was super!  They were so well behaved and helpful!  Maybe I should go away more often?  They have been eating like they did not eat the whole time I was gone.  I am sure that they must have eaten, but perhaps it was more snacks than anything.  A little home cooking and they are cleaning their plates... 

Today was back to school and that produced a mountain of homework since they missed a week of school.  We trudged thru some of it, but with a due date of next Monday, I didn't want to overwhelm them.  Again today they were all so well behaved, it is almost like aliens have taken over their bodies.  Maybe it is me having more patience for them?  I think it is maybe a combination of me getting some much needed R&R and them seeing what life would be like without me.    Puts things back into perspective for all of us. 

Of course their dad was crying when he left.  This does not affect me much anymore.  I don't so much feel bad for him at all.  In fact, I felt so little emotion I asked him for the money that he said he was going to give me.  Of course he said he was going to transfer it when he landed.  Of course he didn't.  Of course I shot off a detailed email of what he owes me for co-pays.  Of course he had no response and said he would reply to my email tonight.  Of course he is putting it off again.  I am going to wait and see what his reply is and then take it from there.  I just can't be nice about it anymore.  The current bill is over 1200 dollars.  So I am guessing that you can feel my frustration...

Anyway onward and upward!  My kids love me and now appreciate me - so for now all is good here in chilly Wisconsin.

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