Wednesday, November 3, 2010

halfway through week two

So now we are halfway through week two.  While the weather has been calm and absolutely gorgeous inside my house has been a little more chaotic than I would normally prefer.

The kids seem to think that since we are not at Grandma's house anymore that all rules no longer apply.  We can leave our clothes in the middle of the floor, shove things in the corner of our room as if Mom is never going to step more than two feet in, not finish our dinner and my favorite which is whine for EVERYTHING.  Homework is getting to be an issue now as well.  While I am positive that they are fully capable of bringing home all that they need and even starting, if not finishing, homework at aftercare - this concept is slipping thie children's minds.  Anyway we all had a nice discussion at the kitchen table tonight so that I could impress upon them the importance of keeping their butts in line.  I love them beyond the ends of the earth, but God Bless!!  Ugh. 

Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to approach it as such.  I was listening to the radio on the way to work and there was a conversation about a list that came out.  It had to do with a survey that someone did asking "older" americans what it takes to live a long and happy life.  On the list there were things like - "do not go to bed angry at your spouse OR yourself" - "do not worry about money" - "if you smoke or drink, do not worry about it, just eat healthy and stay active" - the one that sticks out the most in my mind was "have a lot of children". 

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on your blog-
    how many kids is a lot?? :)
