Saturday, November 13, 2010

in the beginning...

So it was mentioned to me that some of you might not understand why I am in Wisconsin in the first place.  I am going to take this time to present to you the events leading up to my butt being an icicle.  (yes I understand it is only November and it is going to get much colder...)

This past July I was very graciously invited to my Aunt and Uncle's cabin in north Wisconsin.  This is family that belongs on my paternal side.  I had not seen them since the passing of my father 8 years ago.  At first I was very nervous, Victoria had been but one year old and Abigail was literally a week or two old.  Now I come equipped with three kids of the ages 9, 8, and 5.  A considerable amount more to handle than the last time that we conviened.  Also, I am a single mother now and have been through so much that I am not even close to the same person I was then.  Oh well, they are going to have to like me anyway and if they don't, I am family and tough.  They are stuck with me. 

Of course all went well and I loved the area so much that I thought it might be nice to move to the Midwest.  Thinking that this was just a pipe dream and the actual odds of me finding a job were next to nothing.  When I got back home I began to apply for jobs in Minneapolis, Des Moines and a few at Ft McMcoy, WI.  I really wanted to be in Minneapolis because of all the culture and The Mall of America, (oh and not to forget that is where my aunt and unlce live) but the pickings were slim there.  Most applications were shots in the dark.  I really don't know any of these jobs, but what the heck, if they hire me I can learn it later.  Isn't that what Google is for???

Low and behold there opens up a position at Ft McCoy that is right up my alley.  It has to do with something I did while I was active duty.  So here we go!  I start by revamping my resume, tailoring it completely to this position.  The best part was I didn't have to "imbellish" anything!  I had actually done this stuff...  Well I click to submit and wait.  I wait a very long time.  I actually applied for the job at the end of July. 

About a month later I hear a reply back...  "You were not among the top candidates and your resume has not been submitted for review."  REALLY???  Well alright then.  I give up.  I have now decided that it was not meant to be and that I am just going to stay in Texas and make it work there.  Then September 14th I get an email from the Major that works there.  He says he would like to interview me in two days.  WHAT? 

I give the interview of my life.  I knew I nailed it and if I didn't get the job I was going to be very surprised.  The next day I was offered the position to report in 30 days to the command.  So that brings me here.  We have had quite an adventure and sometimes I feel like I am on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, but it is all worth it.  I don't care about anything else but giving my babies the best that they deserve.  I think that this move up here to the very very very cold is exactly what they needed.  Now that I mention it, I think it is exactly what I needed too.

1 comment:

  1. Cool!! So good catching up with you-I hope the new job is going well!!
