Saturday, November 6, 2010

the first weekend in november

We have now begun November.  The skies are grey a little more and it drizzled a little this week.  Hasn't really affected the kids much though.  Today Victoria wore shorts with her winter coat.  She never complained of being cold and I didn't ask her if she was.

Last night we had a really nice pizza/movie night.  I found this little Italian place that has crazy Italians working there.  Really?  In Wisconsin?  Don't question it, just accept it.  Anyway they deliver and we ordered a thin cheese and deep dish special (has everything but the kitchen sink on it).  Delicious!  I cranked up the heater downstairs and we hung out on the bean bag chairs watching Toy Story 3.  It was a really enjoyable night. 

Today was lovely as well.  We slept in, which does wonders for people's moods around here.  When we got up we headed into LaCrosse, which is were Abigail does gymnastics so that she could go to open gym.  The drive is about 30 minutes, but it is a nice scenic, relaxing drive.  I dropped her off and headed out to do some shopping.  Got some things for me to wear to work and a few items for the house.  When I went to pick her up, the director of the gymnastics program stopped me and asked me if we would consider Abigail joining the level four team mid-season.  Came as a surprise, but apparantly the level 4 coach was working with her during open gym and decided that she would like for her to compete.  She is excited and really proud of herself that she got to walk on the team after 2 weeks when there is no room on it.  After we finished up there, off we went to do some grocery shopping at a place called Woodmans.  It is not a fancy place, but they have a lot of variety and we left there with a few treasures.  (More on that tomorrow!) 

On our way home we noticed that there seemed to be something going on at the high school around the corner from our house.  Upon investigation we discovered that it was a craft fair!!!  Oh My!!!  We hurried up and dropped of the groceries and walked, that's right, walked over to check it out.  It was soooo fabulous!!!  We didn't buy too much, but man were there a lot of venders!  I think there were more there than at the Country Peddler back home!  Anyway it was great and we had a lot of fun there.

After we left the school we went "downtown" Sparta to do some shopping there.  I found some really cute Keen shoes at a shoe store that has been there since 1902!  The place was just charming and the service was just as it should be.  We also hit Mike's TV and Furniture store (whose slogan is "The Other furniture store in Sparta")  Victoria picked out her bedroom suite and I had to laugh.  I know we are in the middle of the woods so to speak, but she wants to live the whole experience.  She picked out the pine log furniture.  The kind that looks like a beaver put it together.  Whatever makes her happy, I guess...  it should be here in about 2 months.  While we were there I found the biggest, greenest bean bag chair ever!  It now lives in the rec room downstairs.  Oh yeah, I dubbed the living room downstairs the rec room since it is becoming increasingly dedicated to family fun. 

I love that we are getting settled in nicely more and more with each passing week. 

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