Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i thought it was supposed to be spring!

I could have sworn the April is supposed to be the beginning of Spring!  Not so much here...  We got a snow storm this weekend that dumped about 6 inches of snow.  Then because it was in the low 30's it was super wet.  Slush, slush everywhere!  A lot of it has melted now but it definitely makes for wet and yucky days. 
The kids are all doing good, but I have to specifically talk about Victoria.  A couple of days ago she came to me and told me that she had something to tell me but she didn't want to.  My interest peaked I stopped all that I was doing and asked her what it was.  She then proceeds to tell me that she now has a boyfriend!  What happened to my little baby girl???  The boy's name is Dalton and from his picture he looks to be like an OK kid.  I asked her if they are doing anything like holding hands and she immediately replied "MOM!  NO!"  She told me that they have a lot of conversation and laugh all the time.  She thinks that being able to laugh with the person that you are with is very important.  I told her that it most certainly is.  I would like to think that she is learning that from me and Mr. Big since her dad and I didn't do much of that.  So anyway after this conversation I took her to get new kicks.  Next thing you know the shoe salesman is telling me that she is a size 6 in womans!!!  Seriously?  Where did my baby go???!!!  She is growing up so fast and next month she will be 10.  The beginning of double digits...  All I can do is hope that she grows into a respectable and contributing young person.  I wish nothing but happiness for her and as long as she has that, I think that I might have done what I was supposed to.  Everyday I just hope that I make all the right decisions to give her the tools she needs to succeed in life. 

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