Monday, April 25, 2011

what happens when the high ends?

I know, I know...  I already posted today.  I was going back through my blogs, more specifically the hidden ones and the first ones I talked about Mr. Big.  I find it ironic that one of the things I found attractive about him was that he did not have any crazy exes.  OH but he does...   She will never know it, but I think about her all the time.  It does not help that she calls every few days and texts him along with trying to reach out to him on Facebook.  I know I should not let her affect me like this, but it is getting increasingly hard to keep my cool.  I want to be strong and secure, but the weak and self-conscious little girl in me will not be ignored.  She is screaming to be let out to cry and beg for this to all stop.  I know that he is not going to leave me for her, don't get me wrong in that aspect.  I'm just tired.  Tired of seeing the phone go off and it's her, tired of him lying when I ask if she called and he tells me no, tired of how this is affecting everyone.  I know he isn't talking to her and that he tries to hide her contacting him because he knows it upsets me.  The simple fact remains that WE are having to change our lives and behavior because of this stupid, stupid girl.  Why won't she go away???!!!  I would love to pick up the phone and let my sweet southern draw tell her "Bless your heart, Hun"  Part of me wants to message her and tell her to cease and desist.  It has gotten to the point that her young daughter is trying to reach out to me as well.  She left me a message on Mr. Big's phone and also poked me on Facebook.  Doesn't this crazy heifer see that she is affecting everyone around her?  I don't want this wench to get her way, but the longer it goes on, the more I have to hold in and then inevitably the crazier I become.  When we go home for the wedding, I know she is going to show up.  She has become desperate and desperate women are unpredictable.  Unpredictable people are dangerous, let's just hope she isn't PMSing along with it.  Here is my perfect little universe being disrupted by some dumb hooker butt all the way in Philly.  I hate that this bothers me at all and then I hate that I am thinking about it so much that I am actually putting it in my blog.  Part of me is afraid that Mr. Big will find this and freak out.  But then if he finds this maybe it is for the better because up till now I have not been able to say exactly how much this gets to me.  I have been trying to be the cool and calm girlfriend while all the time inside I want to scream out.  I suppose if he did get upset with me then maybe that is for the best too.  I would like to think that he values our relationship enough to take care of business and  make sure she can't ever bother us again.  OK, so that just sounded like he should take a hit out on her.  Let me just say right now, I in no way wish her any harm.  Now, that being stated, if she shows up anywhere we are while we are in Philly and my hand should accidentally high five her face, that is a totally different thing.  So if anyone out there should stumble upon this post, advice would be good.  Prayers too, lots of them.

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