Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter and stuff...

Easter Sunday was lovely.  We spent the day together as a family and had a delicious dinner!  I made collard greens, which I have never made before...  they came out pretty good, but I think I could make them better next time.  There were sweet orange carrots, potato bacon torte and of course HAM!!!  This was our first holiday spent with Mr. Big so that made it so much more special.  Although I missed my family tremendously, it was an altogether nice day.  The girls got bikes from the Sparta New and Used store and I have to say they were such great sports about not getting new ones.  They were very excited and when I told them not to expect anything Easter morning, they were perfectly OK with it.  They have both grown beyond the idea that a big white rabbit comes hopping along and deliver Easter baskets.  Nathaniel on the other hand, still believes so his bike was delivered appropriately.  I planted it on the back deck and when we left for Mass he saw it.  He was so excited!  There he was in his 3 piece suit begging me to ride it.  They spent pretty much the rest of the day outside while I cooked. 

It is only 10 more days until I go home with Mr. Big for his brother's wedding!  I am so excited to take this trip with him, but very nervous at the same time.  I didn't meet the donor's family until after we were married so it wasn't a big deal at all.  I am sure that all will be fine and I will survive the weekend.  We will be going to a Phillies game Friday night, his godson's first communion Saturday morning, the wedding Saturday afternoon/evening and then Sunday is Mother's Day.  We get in late Thursday night and leave out Sunday night so it will make for a packed couple of days.  I really am delighted to be able to see where he is from.  Just another peek into my wonderful man's world.

I will drive about 4 hours to meet the kid's Aunt Laurie so she can take them for the time that I am gone.  I can't thank her enough for helping me out.  I know the kid's are excited to spend time with her too!!!

Well Monday is pretty much done...  hopefully the rest of the week goes by this quickly.

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