Friday, March 25, 2011

the longest week ever

This week seemed to drag on and on and on and on and on....   I was beginning to think that Friday would never come!  Well it finally did and it was not the Friday that I was expecting.

I have a project due Monday and had not really started it yet.  Well I sat down in a room away from my office where I knew that I would not be interrupted and started in.  It was quiet which was nice but I still did not finish everything that I wanted.  Looks like I might be working through the weekend on it.  Or at least that is what I am going to tell myself. 

Last night was especially taxing emotionally.  It has to do with Mr. Big's ex and her drama that she bring his way.  Well now she is tryig to reach out into my little world out of what I can only assume is desperation.  Don't get me wrong, he has done nothing wrong and it was all her acting like an insane person.  Anyway it was a real test of my patience and actually my commitment to him.  I do have to admit I said a lot of words in spanish that I have not used in a long time.  At one point, Victoria told me she was glad that she dosen't understand spanish!  I told her, me too!  I got through it and have decided that I am not going to stoop to her level.  Not that I didn't think about doing it though!  I would get into what exactly happened but she is not worth me rehashing it.

I was expecting to spend the weekend alone since he was going to a wedding back home, but work got in the way and he missed his flight.   While I am happy to have him with me, I was thoroughly prepared and had planned on spending the weekend alone.  On to plan B!  Perhaps we can see a movie tomorrow with the kids.  I really do feel bad that he was not able to go home. 

I am really going to try and keep up with this silly thing.  I know I have said it before but it is nice to have a place where you can write everything down.

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