Saturday, February 5, 2011

been gone a while

So I know that I have been MIA for quite some time now.  I have been otherwise preoccupied.  In a good way of course...

So what has been happening....

Work is still good.  I really do enjoy working with the guys that I do.  We laugh quite a bit! 

Kids...  well they are kids.  Drive me nuts and melt my heart.  I am having some problems with Abby getting her work done and would appreciate if anyone had any ideas on how to keep her on task.  She is losing homework and text books.  Partly I think it is on purpose, no book = no work.  I have tried bribing, positive reinforcement and punishments.  Nothing seems to be grabbing her attention.

My relationship with Mr. Big is getting to be quite serious.  I still don't know what I am going to do when he leaves in August, but I knew it going in so I can't exactly be surprised by it.  Any pain I go through is self inflicted.  He did tell me that he loves me a week ago and that I swept the feet right out from under him.  Before you ask, Yes, I cried.  Happy tears of course.  After so many years with the worst man ever, it is nice to know that there are still some good ones out there.  I love him and I honestly at this point don't know what I am going to do without him.  We will cross that bridge when we get there.  Meanwhile the kids absolutely enjoy every minute that they have with him.  He is good with them and they all have a good time, sometimes at thier mother's expense, but none the less, they like him and he is a good addition to their live

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