Friday, October 29, 2010

no school

The kids are out of school today, as were they yesterday too.  This means that they get to go to aftercare for the whole day.  Lots and lots of fun to be had there.  Mix that in with a holiday centralized around candy and I received children that were sticky and bouncing off the walls.  Knowing that Abigail's first night on her new team was last night, I attemped without much success to calm them down.  As we were about to sit down to dinner Nathaniel got bonked in the head with the lid to the toybox as it was coming down.  He cried through dinner and almost all the way to gym.  When we got there I used my secret mommy skills and bought him a nutty buddy out of the vending machine with the promise that chocolate cures headaches.  He was convinced and by the grace of God was healed immediately folloing his third bite.  I may have created a monster with this one, but it got my a few hours of peace.
Abigail did extremely well during practice and there is talk of her completing as early as December.  Only time will tell.  Today is Friday and I am glad for it.  This has been an interesting week and I now look forward to sleeping in tomorrow and not having to crawl out of my warm bed if I don't want to.

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