Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Today was one of those days... 

Sometime you just have to sit back and laugh.  Things are not really that bad even though you feel like you are at the center of the storm.  Let me explain:

This morning I got up after a restless night due to events out of my control and a son that refused to be still.  He awoke at about 4 in the morning and began singing and talking with himself. No matter how many times I told him that he needed to be quiet, he just couldn't do it.  *Note to self: Put Nathaniel in bed with one of his sisters so he can bother them and not me.  The morning was of course disorganized and hectic.  I had phone calls to make, breakfast to get ready, kids to get dressed and lunches to get made.  While it might seem that this is like any other mother's morning, I have yet to mention the part about how I had a doctor's appointment today.  The kind where they order blood work so you have to fast.  This means no breakfast for me and more importantly, NO coffee.  After I got the kids off to school I took a drive and went to Mass.  This was absolutely the highlight of my day.  A little piece of quiet in a world of chaos.  Plus as an added bonus I am the youngest person there.  After Mass I went home and tried to not think about how hungry, tired and cranky I was.  Finally I went to my appointment and all seems to be well.  Results on the blood work will be done quickly and then I will have more answers.  Next was lunch and then the grocery store.  They of course did not have the one item I actually needed, but oh well, I do live in the middle of no where.  Groceries successfully put away and food in belly, off I went to pick up the kids.  We did not go straight home.  That would have been too easy.  My oldest has a sleepover/birthday this weekend so I had to get the most fabulous gift for my daughter to give her.  Because God forbid if she did not take the best present in the whole wide world.  I think it might ruin her socially for the remainder of her school life.  After a trip to Barnes and Noble, complete with a Chai Latte for me (duh, did you think I was going to drive all the way out there and not make it worth MY while?)and a near loss of my youngest (he was in the bathroom) we were back in the car to make the drive home.  Not a quiet ride.  Someone was either screaming at a sibling, asking to play a certain CD or singing along to said CD.  Once there, let the cleaning commence.  I managed to get two loads of laundry through, the kitchen swept and mopped, dinner cooked, dishes done, the house vacuumed, and the girls glued to the table to finish homework. 

Phew!  I took the day off from work and I am more tired today than I usually am!  Right now I am working on getting showers done and jammies on.  Hopefully they will finish in time for bed.  Then I will get online and talked with best boyfriend in the world on Skype.  Which by the way, is what I believe to be the best way to end the day. 

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