Sunday, September 4, 2011

my favorite day

Sunday.  It has been my favorite day of the week for a while now.  Church with the family, relaxing on the couch and then a good supper.  There is nothing like laying on the couch with your honey and taking an afternoon nap...  Well now things are not the same.  So let's figure out a new routine! 

Today we got up and went to church earlier than we would have.  Try 0815!!!  It was actually quite packed for being so early.  We sat upstairs in the choir loft to kinda change things up and I like it up there.  More so because it was chilly this morning and since hot air rises, it was warm!  After mass we went into town and picked up Vinny's mail and went grocery shopping.  Mostly just fresh produce and stuff for lunches.  I guess I should have planned something for tomorrow for a bbq, but I can barely think about the rest of the day, much less tomorrow.  Anyway we came home and I made lunch and got dinner on for tonight.  It's a start!

This morning as we were walking into mass Abby turned to me and said, "Mom, we should pray for Vinny today".  Then at the grocery store she told her siblings that she hoped we got to move so that Mom and Vinny could be together again.  She is such a sweetie...

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